Adrianna Oropello


Adrianna, artist looking surprised at the figurine in her hand


     “Myosotis”, was a project that pushes the viewer to see statues from a new perspective. For the means of this project, ‘statue’ refers to figurines measuring about 6-8″ in height, rendered in 3D, usually of characters of a franchise said person enjoys. Viewers will see result of the many hours it takes to create such a project. For this one, I will be using one of my own character designs.

Artist Statement:

     Though Myosotis took a long time, I am happy to say that the 3D stage for this project is finally done. Exploring my character design from all angles was a challenge, but a good one. I look forward to learning more about 3D character modeling, and can’t wait to discover more about this program. In the end, Myosotis took about seventy hours to complete.

Preview of Work:

Adrianna figure
Render of Myosotis. Click to view the full work.